Friday 1 April 2011

Stelarc (7th)

Stelarc (Stelios Arkadiou) is a Greek-Australian performance artist whose works focuses heavily on extending the capabilities of the human body. Making art using capabilities of the human body... WOW!!!! INTERESTING! I was into a work called THIRD HAND. it is cool and amazing of the idea of creating third hand using capibilites of the human body. then as I was looking at this work, I wonder if this is really an art. I felt more like watching robot than being one of the most famous art work from Stelarc. it explains the appearance, cosmetic cover, capabilities, materials, control systems, and history. it was more like introducing a creations of robot to me. But I know that it is a art that was created from artist named stelarc. out of many different artist we mentioned and I've researched, he was the most interesting artist to me. all of his work has to deal with human body. how can we identify the expression and meanings to these works? I've learned that all aritst work has its meaning and a way to express that. but how on these? or is this something else? it is more like creations that can be useful in a way of living. what are his intendtion?
to me, it is a work that cant be easily understnad.... but still interesting in a way it all connects to human body...

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